Carl Friedrich Gauss
Full Name-
Carl Friedrich Gauss
30 April 1777
23 February 1855
Carl Friedrich Gauss
30 April 1777
23 February 1855
- Famous For-
Algebra and linear algebra
- Gaussian elimination, also known as "row reduction" or "Gaussian method"
- Gauss–Jordan elimination
- Gauss–Seidel method
- Gauss's cyclotomic formula
- Gauss's lemma in relation to polynomials
- Gaussian binomial coefficient, also called Gaussian polynomial or Gaussian coefficient
- Gauss transformation
Geometry and differential geometry
- Gauss–Bodenmiller theorem - described on website of University of Crete
- Gauss–Bolyai–Lobachevsky space, a hyperbolic geometry
- Gauss–Bonnet theorem, a theorem about curvature in differential geometry
- Generalized Gauss–Bonnet theorem in differential geometry
- Gauss's braid in Braid theory – a four strand braid
- Gauss–Codazzi equations
- Gauss–Manin connection, a connection on a vector bundle over a family of algebraic varieties
- Gauss–Newton line – described in Journal for Geometry and Graphics, see also Newton line
- Gauss's area formula
- Gauss's lemma in Riemannian geometry
- Gauss map in differential geometry
- Gaussian curvature, defined in his Theorema egregium
- Gauss circle problem
- Gauss–Kuzmin–Wirsing constant, a constant in number theory
- Gauss's constant, the reciprocal of the AGM of 1
- Gauss's digamma theorem, a theorem about the digamma function
- Gauss's generalization of Wilson's theorem
- Gauss's lemma in number theory
- Gauss composition – described on website of University of Université de Montréal
- Gauss map in number theory
- Gaussian moat
- Gauss class number problem
- Gauss's multiplication formula
- Gaussian period
- Gaussian rational
- Gauss sum, an exponential sum over Dirichlet characters
- Elliptic Gauss sum, an analog of a Gauss sum
- Quadratic Gauss sum
- Gaussian quadrature
- Gauss–Hermite quadrature
- Gauss–Jacobi quadrature
- Gauss–Kronrod quadrature formula
- Gauss–Newton algorithm
- Gauss–Legendre algorithm
- Gauss's complex multiplication algorithm
- Gauss's theorem may refer to the divergence theorem, which is also known as the Ostrogradsky–Gauss theorem
- Gauss pseudospectral method
- Gauss–Lucas theorem
- Gauss's continued fraction, an analytic continued fraction derived from the hypergeometric functions
- Gauss's criterion – described on Encyclopedia of Mathematics
- Gauss's hypergeometric theorem, an identity on hypergeometric series
- Statistics
- Gauss–Kuzmin distribution, a discrete probability distribution
- Gauss–Markov process
- Gauss–Markov theorem
- Gaussian copula
- Gaussian measure
- Gaussian correlation inequality
- Gaussian isoperimetric inequality
- Gauss's inequality
- Gaussian function and topics named for Him
- The Normal Distribution, also known at the Gaussian distribution, the most common bell curve in statistics
- The Gaussian function, the function used in the normal distribution, but also used elsewhere
- The Exponentially modified Gaussian distribution or function, used for description of peak shape in many techniques
- Gauss error function
- Gaussian process
- Gaussian filter
- Gauss–Laplace pyramid, sometimes called the Burt–Adelson pyramid - described on
- Gauss iterated map (dynamical systems)
- Additive white Gaussian noise
- Gaussian beam
- Gaussian blur, a technique in image processing
- Gaussian fixed point
- Gaussian random field
- Gaussian free field
- Gaussian integral
- Gaussian variogram model
- Gaussian mixture model
- Gaussian network model
- Gaussian noise
- Gaussian smoothing
- Inverse Gaussian distribution, also known as the Wald distribution
- Knot theory
- Gauss code - described on website of University of Toronto
- Gauss linking integral (knot theory)
- Other mathematical areas
- Gauss's algorithm for Determination of the day of the week
- Gauss's Easter algorithm
- Gaussian bracket – described on WolframMathWorld
- Gaussian's modular arithmetic
- Gaussian integer, usually written as Z[i]
- Gaussian prime
- Gaussian logarithms (also known as addition and subtraction logarithms
- Physics
- Gaussian optics
- Classical mechanics[edit]
- Gauss's principle of least constraint
- For orbit determination in orbital mechanics:
- Gauss's law for gravity
- Gaussian gravitational constant
- Gaussian orbital
- Gaussian year
- gauss, the CGS unit for magnetic field
- Degaussing, to demagnetize an object
- Gauss gun or Gauss rifle
- Gauss's law for magnetism
- Gaussian surface
- Gauss's law, giving the relationship between flux through a closed surface and the enclosed source
- Awards and recognitions
- Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize, a mathematics award
- Gauss Lectureship, a mathematical distinction
- The Gauss Mathematics Competition in Canadian junior high schools, an annual national mathematics competition administered by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing
- Place names and expedition named in his honor
- The Gauss expedition, the first German expedition to Antarctica
- The ship Gauss, used in the Gauss expedition to the Antarctic
- Gaussberg, an extinct volcano discovered by the above-mentioned expedition
- The crater Gauss on the Moon[1]
- Asteroid 1001 Gaussia
- Gauss Peninsula, East Greenland
- Gauss Tower, an observation tower in Dransfeld, Germany
- Gaußberg, a hill in Braunschweig
- Several buildings named "Gauss Haus" or "Gauss Building":
- The Gauss Building at the University of Idaho (College of Engineering)
- Gauss Haus, an NMR center at the University of Utah
- The 'Gauss House', a common room in the University of Sussex Mathematical and Physical Sciences department.
- A dormitory building is named after him in University of California, Santa Cruz, in Crown College
- Institutions named in his honor
- The Carl-Friedrich-Gauß School for Mathematics, Computer Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Social Sciences of Braunschweig University of Technology
- The Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Gymnasium (a school for grades 5–13) in Worms, Germany
- Other things named for him
- Gaussia, a palm genus described by Hermann Wendland with the then new species Gaussia princeps, collected by Charles Wright in western Cuba. Named in “memoriam astronomi Caroli Friderici Gauss”.
- Gaussia, a genus of copepods.
- Gaussian, a computational chemistry software program
- GAUSS, a matrix programming language for mathematics and statistics.