Robert Boyle

Full Name-
Robert Boyle 
25 January 1627 
31 December 1691

  • Known For-

  1. Boyle's law

  • Honour-

  1. The Royal Society of Chemistry issues a Robert Boyle Prize for Analytical Science, named in his honour.

  • Some important works:

  1. 1660 – New Experiments Physico-Mechanical: Touching the Spring of the Air and their Effects
  2. 1661 – The Sceptical Chymist
  3. 1662 – Whereunto is Added a Defence of the Authors Explication of the Experiments, Against the Objections of Franciscus Linus and Thomas Hobbes (a book-length addendum to the second edition of New Experiments Physico-Mechanical)
  4. 1663 – Considerations touching the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Philosophy (followed by a second part in 1671)
  5. 1664 – Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours, with Observations on a Diamond that Shines in the Dark
  6. 1665 – New Experiments and Observations upon Cold
  7. 1666 – Hydrostatical Paradoxes[35]
  8. 1666 – Origin of Forms and Qualities according to the Corpuscular Philosophy. (A continuation of his work on the spring of air demonstrated that a reduction in ambient pressure could lead to bubble formation in living tissue. This description of a viper in a vacuumwas the first recorded description of decompression sickness.)[36]
  9. 1669 – A Continuation of New Experiments Physico-mechanical, Touching the Spring and Weight of the Air, and Their Effects
  10. 1670 – Tracts about the Cosmical Qualities of Things, the Temperature of the Subterraneal and Submarine Regions, the Bottom of the Sea, &tc. with an Introduction to the History of Particular Qualities
  11. 1672 – Origin and Virtues of Gems
  12. 1673 – Essays of the Strange Subtilty, Great Efficacy, Determinate Nature of Effluviums
  13. 1674 – Two volumes of tracts on the Saltiness of the Sea, Suspicions about the Hidden Realities of the Air, Cold, Celestial Magnets
  14. 1674 – Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de Vacuo
  15. 1676 – Experiments and Notes about the Mechanical Origin or Production of Particular Qualities, including some notes on electricity and magnetism
  16. 1678 – Observations upon an artificial Substance that Shines without any Preceding Illustration
  17. 1680 – The Aerial Noctiluca
  18. 1682 – New Experiments and Observations upon the Icy Noctiluca (a further continuation of his work on the air)
  19. 1684 – Memoirs for the Natural History of the Human Blood
  20. 1685 – Short Memoirs for the Natural Experimental History of Mineral Waters
  21. 1686 – A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature
  22. 1690 – Medicina Hydrostatica
  23. 1691 – Experimentae et Observationes Physicae
  24. Among his religious and philosophical writings were:
  25. 1648/1660 – Seraphic Love, written in 1648, but not published until 1660
  26. 1663 – An Essay upon the Style of the Holy Scriptures
  27. 1664 – Excellence of Theology compared with Natural Philosophy
  28. 1665 – Occasional Reflections upon Several Subjects, which was ridiculed by Swift in Meditation Upon a Broomstick, and by Butler in An Occasional Reflection on Dr Charlton's Feeling a Dog's Pulse at Gresham College
  29. 1675 – Some Considerations about the Reconcileableness of Reason and Religion, with a Discourse about the Possibility of the Resurrection
  30. 1687 – The Martyrdom of Theodora, and of Didymus
  31. 1690 – The Christian Virtuoso

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